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Call it crazy but I’m fascinated with people.  Have you ever stopped in the middle of the chaos we call life and just watched the average Joe go about his/her day?  If I had a dime for every person I saw deeply exhale and place their head on their palm while precariously waiting in traffic, or cover their face with their hands.  I’m pretty sure I’d be close to having a million dollars.  What if every time that happened, you intervened with something positive to offer, even if it was just a compliment or a smile?  Think about how much of an impact that would make, if everyone made an effort to do this on a daily basis?

So with that thought in mind let me give you a little insight on who I am and how we arrived at this idea; well my name is Marcy.  I pride myself on being a mother and a wife.  I am currently a United States Army Sergeant (I say Hooah!), and I’m always up for a new challenge.  I was being adventurous from my living room couch one day, surfing the waves of Pinterest when I came across a few links from people who did random acts of kindness during the holidays and I thought what if I make a point to do this all the time?  So I brought it up and it was Steven’s great idea to blog about it.  So here we are!

I really hope that these acts become contagious and not in the chicken pox kind of way, but in the seasonal Jimmy Choo, ‘mint green pants’ trend kind of way.  Then again, maybe chicken pox are more contagious, LOL.

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give” ~Winston Churchill.